Anti Government Demonstrations To Begin On Wednesday

Kenyan Opposition Leader Calls for Protests amid Violent Clashes

Anti-Government Demonstrations to Begin on Wednesday

Nairobi, Kenya – June 21, 2023 – Reuters

Kenyan opposition leader Raila Odinga has urged supporters to stage three days of anti-government protests starting on Wednesday. The call comes after one person was killed and at least 200 injured in nationwide protests on Thursday.

The protests were sparked by a controversial tax bill that has drawn widespread opposition. Demonstrators have taken to the streets, clashing with police who have used tear gas and water cannon to disperse crowds.

In a statement, Odinga accused the government of using excessive force against peaceful protesters and called for an independent investigation into the violence.

The government has defended its actions, saying that the protests had become violent and that police were acting to protect public safety.

The protests come at a time of heightened political tension in Kenya. The country is due to hold presidential elections next year, and Odinga is seen as a leading contender.

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