Wnba Revenue Split

WNBA Players Get 50-50 Revenue Split Under New CBA

Cost of Revenue Deduction Explained

League Expenses and Taxes Covered by Revenue

The cost of revenue deduction in the WNBA's new collective bargaining agreement (CBA) covers the league's expenses and taxes. This includes the salaries of players, coaches, and staff, as well as the cost of travel, equipment, and marketing. The league also has to pay taxes on its revenue, including income tax, sales tax, and property tax.

50-50 Revenue Split

Under the new CBA, WNBA players will receive a 50-50 split of revenue with the league. This is a significant increase from the previous CBA, which gave players a 40-60 split. The 50-50 split is a major victory for players, and it shows that the league is committed to investing in its players.

Incremental Revenue Sharing

In addition to the 50-50 revenue split, players will also benefit from revenue sharing. This means that if the league generates more revenue in the future, players will receive a share of that additional revenue. This is an important provision because it ensures that players will share in the success of the league.

Guaranteed Revenue Sharing

WNBA players are guaranteed only a 50-50 split of revenue if the league meets prescribed but undisclosed goals. This means that players could receive less than 50% of revenue if the league does not meet its goals. However, the league is confident that it will meet its goals and that players will receive a fair share of the revenue.

Significant Increase in Player Compensation

The new CBA is a major victory for WNBA players. Players will receive a significant increase in compensation, and they will also benefit from revenue sharing. This is a major step forward for the WNBA, and it shows that the league is committed to its players.

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